Before discussing insights about the death of Al - Quran , it first needs to be underlined that in view of the death of Al - Quran does not just happen once , but twice . Letters Ghafir verse 11 as well justify perpetuating greeting disbelievers in the hereafter : " They said , ' O our Lord , Thou has killed us twice and have turned on us twice ( anyway ) , then we realize our sins then is there any way for us to get out ( from the torment of hell ) ? " Death by while scholars defined as " the absence of life , " or " antonym of life . " The first death experienced by humans before birth , or the time before God breathed the spirit of life to him ; being a second death , when he left this mortal world .
The first life experienced by humans when humans draw and breathing in the world , being second life when he was in the nature Barzakh , or later when he eternal life in the hereafter . Al - Quran speaks about death in many verses , while experts estimate not less than three hundred verses that talk about various aspects of life after death and the second death .
In general it can be said that the talk of death is not something pleasant . But man even want to live a thousand years . This , of course, not just greeting Anwar , but the Quran also describes a group of human beings desire to live for it (read surah Al - Baqarah [ 2 ] : 96 ) . Satan managed to seduce Adam and Eve through the " door " desire to live for ever and ever . " Will you let me show you the tree of eternity ( life ) and the power that will not be obsolete ? ( Surah Taha [ 20 ] : 120 ) . THUS THE DEVIL seduce ADAM .
Many of the factors that make a person reluctant to die . Some people are reluctant to death because he did not know what to expect after death ; probably also due to suspect that it has now is better than to be found later . Or maybe also because imagine how difficult and painful experience of death and after death . Or maybe because it was worried about and concerned about the family , or because they do not know the meaning of life and death , and so forth , so everything felt anxiety and fear of death . From this was born the views of optimistic and pessimistic about life and death , even among thinkers though . Man , through reason and experience are not able to know the nature of death , because death is rated as one of the greatest supernatural relative .
Although essentially death is not known , but each watch how the deaths claimed the lives of human life increasingly compelled to know the nature or , at least , when it would occur to him , that once he was doomed to the same fate .
Humans see how death does not choose the age or place , nor suspend his presence until satisfied all desires . While among the cause of death anxiety , especially for those who believe that life is only once that is in this world . So that not a few who ultimately judge this life as torture , and to avoid the ordeal, they forget about death and suggested that as much as possible to avoid any anxiety caused by the way do anything freely without control , in order to realize human existence . Death is not the end of everything ? Their deception .
Real sense and human feeling are generally reluctant to make life or their existence is limited to tens of years. Although humans realize that they have to die , but in general judge not for man 's death means extinction . Human aversion extinction assess mortality as reflected by the creation of a variety of ways to show their existence . For example , by providing graves , or places such tenapat visited from time to time as a manifestation of the belief that the world has left it still alive even though their bodies are gone .
Relationship between the living and the dead is very rooted in the human psyche . This is reflected from a long time , even long before the presence of the great religions professed by mankind today . Rooted in such things so that the people of Ancient Egypt for example , believes true immortality , so they created the techniques that can preserve the bodies of hundreds and even thousands of years .
It is said that Socrates once said , as quoted by Ash- Shahrastani in his book Al - Milal wa al- Nihal ( I: 297 ) , " When I find life ( worldly ) I found that the end of life is death , but when I find death , I, too, found eternal life . Having said that, we should be concerned with life ( worldly ) and rejoice in death . we live to die and die to live . "
Thus the idea of immortality of human life is present with man throughout the history of humanity . If the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians drove them to create body preservation techniques and the construction of the pyramid , then in view of modern thinkers , human immortality evidenced by their great works .
Abdul Karim al - Khatib in his book Al - Uluhiyyah Qadhiyat ( I: 214 ) quoting Goethe ( 1749-1833 AD ) which states : " Verily earnest effort born from the depths of my soul , that is the very clear evidence of immortality . If I have devoted my whole life to work , then it is the right of my above this nature to grant me a new form , as my strength was drained and the body is no longer shoulder the burden of the soul . " Similarly, the German philosopher makes this worldly life as an arena to work hard , and death is the gateway to a new life in order to feel calm and freedom from all kinds of loads .
Religion , especially the divine religions , teaches that there is life after death . Death is the beginning of a long journey in human evolution , after which he will gain life with all kinds of pleasure or a wide range of punishment and disgrace . Death in the heavenly religions have a very large role in establishing the faith and to develop a spirit of devotion . Without death , people will not think about what is after death , and will not be prepared to deal with it . Therefore, religions encourage people to think about death . Apostle Muhammad . , For example said , " Expand remember breakers all worldly pleasures ( death ) . "
It can be said that the core challenge of the Prophets and Apostles after the obligation to believe in God , believe that there is an obligation to live after death . Of Al - Quran was found that the life which he describes diverse and stratified . There is plant life , animals , humans , jinn , and angels , to the highest levels of life The Mahahidup and Giver of Life . On the other hand , repeatedly pressed that there is life in the world and there is also life in the hereafter . The first was named Al - Quran al - hayat ad- dunya ( life is low ) , while the second al - Hayawan dinamainva ( perfect life ) . "Verily, the Hereafter that is al - Hayawan ( perfect life " ( Surah Al - ' Ankabut [ 29 ] : 64 ) .
Also explained that , " Pleasure in this world is short , while the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah , and you all ( who are righteous and who is not ) shall not be treated at all ( Surah Al - Nisa ' 14 ] : 77 ) In another verse declared , " O ye who believe , why to say to you went to fight in Allah's way , you feel heavy and wanted to remain in place? Are you satisfied with life in the world instead of the hereafter ? Yet the enjoyment of life in this world compared to the Hereafter ( value of worldly life compared to the value of life ) in the Hereafter ( Surah At - Tawbah [ 9 ] : 38 ) . What a life hereafter is not perfect , being obtained where true justice is to be the desire of every human being , and that's where the enjoyment of life gained unequaled .
The only way to get pleasure and perfection , it is death , because according to Raghib al - Isfahani : " Death , which is known as the separation of the soul from the body , is the cause that brought people to the eternal enjoyment . Mortality is moving from one country to the another , as dirtwayatkan that , " Surely you were created to live forever , but you have to move and one to Negen Negen ( another ) so that you stay in one place . " ( Abdul Karim Al- Khatib , I: 217 ) , although it seems is Death extinction , but in essence is a second birth . deaths menetasnya humans can be compared with the eggs . chicks are confined within the egg , evolution can not reach perfection unless he hatched . Similarly humans , they would not reach perfection unless they leave the world the ( dead ) .
There are several terms used Al - Quran to refer to death , among other al - death ( d. ) , Ruling ( hold ) . In Surat al - Zumar ( 39 ) : 42 stated that , " God mewafatkan soul at his death , and the souls of those who have died in his sleep , God yumsik ( hold ) set her soul death , and releasing others ( people who sleep ) up to a certain time limit . " Raghib make those terms as a cue how Al - Quran assess death as the path to move to a place , and circumstances of a nobler and better than the life of the world .
Death is not death which means perfection and meaningful Ruling hold ( on his side ) ? Indeed , the Qur'an also qualifies as an unfortunate death doom ( read surah Al - Ma - waiting time [ 5 ] : 106 ) , but the term seems more geared to men who were disobedient, or against those who are widowed . In the sense that death can be a disaster for the people left behind once disaster for those who die without bringing enough supplies to live in the country side .
Death is also expressed by the Qur'an in the context of outlining his favors to men . In Surat al - Baqarah ( 2 ) : 28 God questioning the unbelievers . " How can you deny ( Allah ) are you was dead , then turned on ( by him ) , then you turned off and turned on his back , then you will be returned to Him . " Favors caused by death , not only in the hereafter later life , but also in worldly life , because it is inconceivable how the state of our world is limited to their area , if if all human life constantly without dying .
Muhammad Iqbal asserts that it is impossible at all for human beings who have evolved millions of years , to be thrown just like the goods are worthless . But it can only be done if he is able to purify itself continuously. Purification of the soul by way of distancing themselves from the abominations and sins , with the good deeds . Is not the Qur'an asserts that , " Glory to God in the palm of His power throughout the kingdom , and He has power over all things . Who created death and life to test you which of you is best in conduct , and indeed He is exalted Exalted Forgiving " (Surat al - Mulk [ 67 ] : 1-2 ) .
Thus be seen that the mortality in the view of Islam is not a bad thing , because in addition to encouraging people to improve the lives of his service in this world , it is also the gateway to enter the eternal bliss , and get true justice .
The verses of Al - Quran and Hadith the Prophet shows that death is not the absolute absence of life , but it is the absence of life in the world , in the sense that human beings are dying in essence still remains alive in another world and in a way that can not be fully known . "Do not suppose that those who are slain in Allah's way as dead , but they are alive with their Lord , finding sustenance " ( Surah Ali - ' Imran [ 3 ] : 169 ) . " Do not say to the people who died in the cause of Allah that ' they had been dead , ' they actually live , but you do not realize it " ( Surah Al - Baqarah [ 2 ] : 154 ) .
Imam Bukhari narrated through the Prophet's companions Al - Bara ' bin Azib , that the Messenger of Allah . , Said when his son , Ibrahim , died , "Verily, for him ( Ibrahim ) menyusukannya someone in heaven . " Historian Ibn Ishaq and others narrated that when the idolaters who were killed in the battle of Badr was buried in a cistern by the Prophet and his companions , he was " asked " to those who have been killed, "O inhabitants of the cistern , O Utbah bin Rabi ' ah , Syaibah bin Rabi'a , Ummayads bin Khalaf ; O Abu Jahl ibn Hisham , ( so he mentioned the names of people who are in the dungeon, one by one ) . , O inhabitants of the cistern ! ye have found what is true dijanjikanTuhanmu really exist ? I have found what my Lord has promised . " " The Apostle . Why do you talk to people who are already dead ? " Asked the friend . Apostle replied : " Ma yourselves hi asthma ' mimma aqul minhum , walakinnahum la yastathi'una an yujibuni ( You all heard no more from them , but they could not answer me ) . " Thus some religious text used as an excuse to prove that death is not extinction , but the birth and new life .
The above noted several factors that cause a person to feel anxious and afraid of death . Here will try to look beyond how most of these factors is essentially not in place . Al - Quran as stated trying to portray that life in the hereafter is much better than the life of the world . "Verily, the Hereafter is better for you than the world " ( Surah Al - Duha [ 93 ] : 4 ) . Mustafa Al - Kik writes in his book that Baina Alamain human experience of death can be sudden death such as heart attacks , collisions , and so on , and can also be a death that occurs through the normal aging process slowly . Who died suddenly and normal , all of which have what is called deathbed al - death ( dying ) that is a kind of loss of consciousness followed by the release of the soul and body .
In case of sudden death , deathbed al - death came just a short time , the experience would feel very sick because he faced death when it was likened by the Prophet . - Like " thorns that are in cotton , and are released with a bang . " Many scholars interpretation of paragraph Wa nazi'at gharqa ( For the angels who take life with a bang ) ( Surah An - Nazi'at [ 79 ] : 1 ) , as a gesture of sudden death . Advanced Medium paragraph of the letter , namely Wan nasyithati nasytha ( angels gently pull out the soul ) as a cue to experienced death slowly .
Death through the slow process and is expressed by the above verse as " gently lifted , " in common with the process experienced by a person at the time sleepiness to sleep . Surat Al - Zumar ( 39 ) : 42 , quoted before this supports the view that equate death with sleep . In the hadith were taught that death was synonymous with . Is not prayer taught by the Prophet. to be read upon waking up is : " Praise be to God that we turn on ( wake from sleep ) after we shut down ( euthanize ) . And Him nevertheless resurrection ( later ) . "
Expert commentary Fakhruddin Ar - Razi , commenting on surah Al - Zumar ( 39 ) : 42 as follows : " What is certain is sleeping and the dead are two things of the same kind . 's Just that death is the perfect breakup , breakup sleeping is not perfect views of some terms . "Then . death itself " tasty and delicious , " it was not so ? But of course there are external factors that can make death more palatable than sleep or make it so horrible beyond the horror of the nightmare experienced by humans .
The external factors emerged and caused by human charity which portrays the life of this world the Prophet Muhammad . in a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad explained that , " A believer , just before his death , will be visited by angels while conveying and showed him what would have experienced after death . When it nothing more than to meet the Lord pleases ( dead ) . Unlike the case with the Gentiles who also diperlihatkannya him what was going to face , and when it's not something he hated more than met the Lord .
" In a letter Fushshilat ( 41 ) : 30, Allah said , " Verily those who say that Our Lord is Allah , then they confirmed their establishment , then the angels will descend upon them (saying ) , ' Do not be afraid and do not be too grieve , and rejoice in the promised paradise of God to you . ' " The angels fall by much expert commentary when someone whose attitude is as described in the above paragraph are facing death . Greeting angel , " Do not be afraid " is to calm them face death and after death , being " do not be sad " is to eliminate the grief issues concerning the world they left behind like a child , wife , property , or debts .
Instead of Al - Quran suggests that the state of the disbelievers when facing death indescribably difficult : " Had it you can see the angels kill those who disbelieve while hitting the front and back of them and said , ' Taste ye the punishment of burning hell ' ( surely you will feel very scared) " ( Surah Al - Anfal [ 8 ] : 50 ) " What an awesome time if only you look at the people who do wrong are the pressures breathe his last , while the Angels hit with his hand saying , ' Bring out your life ! on this day , you will be repaid with the punishment of humiliation because you always say the word God is not right , and because you're being arrogant about His Signs " ( Surah Al - An'am [ 6 ] : 93 ) .
On the other hand , humans can " entertain " themselves in the face of death by road always remember and believe that all men must die . No one will escape from him , because " the risk of death is life . " Is not the Qur'an states that , " Every soul shall taste of death ? " ( Surah Ali ' Imran [ 3 ] : 183 ) " We do not grant eternal life to a human being before you . Did if you die they will be eternal ? ( Surat al - Anbiya ' [ 21 ] : 34 ) Belief in the presence of death for every soul can help ease the burden of disaster deaths . because, as is well known , " more and more involved in the excitement , the greater the influence of the excitement in the soul , on the contrary , more and more affected by or involved in the disaster , the disaster was borne lightly . "
Similarly, the Qur'an describes the death that will be experienced by man obedient and disobedient , and thus irõi scriptures inform about the death of a believer who can take in order not to feel worried face . While , an unbeliever or rebellious invited to get ready to face a variety of threats and torture . May we all get divine pleasure and His Paradise .
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