Kamis, 05 September 2013

Socially AND LIFE

Almost no one lives in this world who does not want to enjoy success . But many of us are likely to interpret a success and is related to material possessions or wealth . Sometimes success also means a brilliant career. Everything is true . However , sometimes we forget that there is still a big thing that is very important that it should be a concern and our ideals . A success there will be no meaning if we just enjoy yourself . We need at least a friend to share in our success . We need friends to share , either as a friend told me to friends to acknowledge that we achieve a success ..
You can imagine how unpleasant when we achieve abundant cash windfall , but we do not have a girlfriend , or wife / husband , children , friends or people that we think are special in our lives . Go shopping , to whom ? Going to the karaoke place , alone ? We need friends to share in our success . Success requires the recognition of those around us . We need lots of friends , lots and lots of social relations that any success we can achieve beneficial to ourselves and those around us .
Relationship is nothing but a friend , in which the relations of friendship or association , the key is to respect others . Maybe the word respect for others , is that often we hear everyday , but probably only a fraction of us truly understand and practice it . It takes time and a sincere intention to put this into practice . Respect for others , can not be separated from the name of a success . Successful people , big people are the ones who are able to appreciate others with sincere and honest , with no tendency .
So , it is impossible to be successful in any case if the person is not able to respect others . What often happens is , we hope that other people appreciate us . We expect our friends to understand and comprehend , we are the ones who should take the initiative to try to understand and comprehend our friend . Start with small things , such as replying to an SMS or phone call we receive . It 's trivial to have a tremendous effect for people who send an SMS or call us . Though just , a word , " okay " , as a reply SMS that goes into our phone , it has shown that we have the attention and respect of others. We should think , however, that we still needed by someone else , so there are people who want to SMS and phone to us . What is not funny , if we have the HP but no one is texting and calling us . Is HP that we have just as decoration ? hehe .. funny ..
Be thankful , with the people who SMS and telephone , we actually save more pulses , than we were calling . Right?
And many more little things we can do to begin to learn to respect others . After all , we live with one another that we need a confession forever in our environment . The greater recognition that we get in our environment , the success we dream a step we achieve . So , appreciate others, and others will respect us .

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