Rabu, 10 Juli 2013


Understanding Tadarusan:

Tadarus term Al-Quran is actually slightly different between the forms that we see everyday language denganmakna. Tadarus or tadarusan usually in the form of an assembly in which participants take turns reading the Al-Quran. One person reads and the others listened. And generally held in mosques or prayer rooms in the nights of Ramadan. In fact the word comes from the origin of the word tadarus Darasa yadrusu, which means studying, researching, analyzing, reviewing and taking lessons. Then ketambahan letters ta 'in front of it so that it becomes tadarasa yatadarasu, makamaknanya menjadisaling increased learning, or study in more depth. (Http://www.tadarusan.com/about/).

MEANING Tadarusan:

Tadarus is a means to draw closer to Allah SWT. In addition, Tadarus can also be interpreted as an effort to improve akhlakul karimah because by reading verses from the Koran we always remember and be in the way of Allah SWT. (Http://www.tadarusan.com/about/).

Month of Ramadan is a special month in which there are an abundance of forgiveness and grace. The reward will be multiplied goodness and vice versa. One of the main habits of the holy month of Ramadan than tarawih prayers are tadarus Quran. This phenomenon occurs when tadarus Quran becomes an activity in which every Muslim vying for reciting the Quran. However, allow me to give you a little review on Tadarus Quran.

Tadarus Quran consists of two activities namely reading and reviewing. Tadarus word in the dictionary of the Indonesian online means reading the Quran together. But in my opinion, relates to the word itself tadarus madarasah / madrasah. Madrasah is a special school that teaches Islamic religious teachings or may be the portion of Islamic religious education more than general knowledge. So in addition to reading, we are also encouraged to review the contents of his reading.

So wrong if we call tadarus dong when we read such day-to-day month of Ramadan? I do not blame because what we are doing by reading the Quran together called recitations. Recitation is part of tadarus. Well, the next if we want to increase our knowledge, but read quran reading translation also. If we ever khatam quran read many times but have we ever thought how much we khatam read translations?

Month of Ramadan which is the month in which the Qur'an revealed for the first time in at least a full month meet most Muslims mosque and make a habit of reading the Quran, so we assume that the positive possibilities in this month's most Muslims the opportunity to read Al-Qur'an, and hopefully a percentage of their so accustomed to read, though not because of the blessed month of Ramadan is the month of Ramadan.

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